The N3 Ranch offers high quality mitigation credits for projects requiring compensatory mitigation.Throughout the ranch are places where species habitat can be preserved and enhanced, through predator and invasive removal or hydrologic restoration. There are also numerous locations where freshwater wetland, riparian, riverine and pond habitat can be established or restored.

N3 Ranch’s highly experienced technical team has confirmed the presence of aquatic resources, sensitive vegetation, and special status species present on site and is working with federal and state agencies to obtain the regulatory approvals necessary to support the sale of mitigation credits and establishment of turn-key solutions.  The team is available to meet with prospective parties to discuss their mitigation needs.


N3 Ranch is home to a wide variety of state and federally protected species including diverse bird, reptile, and amphibian species  and larger mammals such as the black-tailed deer, tule elk, coyote, bobcat, grey fox, and mountain lion. Portions of the property fall within critical habitat for California red-legged frog and Alameda whipsnake.

N3 Ranch has the potential to offer mitigation solutions for projects requiring upland, aquatic breeding, and aquatic nonbreeding habitat mitigation credits for:

  • Alameda Whipsnake
  • Golden Eagle
  • California Tiger Salamander
  • California Red-Legged Frog
  • Foothill Yellow-Legged Frog
  • Burrowing Owl
  • Swainson’s Hawk
  • Tri-Colored Blackbird


N3 Ranch spans three HUC-8 watersheds and seven HUC-10 watersheds, offering opportunity for large service areas for aquatic resource mitigation credits. The property contains streams, ponds, and freshwater wetlands for preservation, enhancement, and restoration.

HUC-10 watersheds:

  • Arroyo Mocho
  • Alameda Creek
  • Coral Hollow Creek
  • Lone Tree Creek-San Joaquin River
  • Ingram Creek-San Joaquin River
  • Del Puerto Creek
  • Arroyo Valley


The ranch consists of steep canyons, rolling oak-woodlands, annual grasslands, shrub canyons, rugged rock outcroppings, and secluded meadows. These vegetation communities provide habitat for listed species and provide areas for tree replacement plantings and habitat preservation.

Vegetation communities include:

  • Annual Grassland
  • Coastal scrub
  • Chaparral
  • Valley Foothill Riparian
  • Montane Hardwood Woodlands
  • Sycamore Alluvial Woodlands
  • Blue Oak, Valley, and
    Coastal Oak Woodlands
image of the N3ranch vegetation map